
Lower McKell Park (Stage 2)

Lower McKell Park, Brooklyn – Stage 2 – Proposed Foreshore Access Improvement Works

Council is proposing to undertake the next stage of work at Lower McKell Park, Brooklyn.

The aim of this stage of works is upgrade for access and mobility complying with Australian Standards and Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Hornsby Shire Council.

Proposed works include:

  • Provision of sealed all weather access path connection to Parsley Bay has been completed and is now accessible to the public.
  • Provision of universal access change rooms and toilets in existing amenities building.
  • Provision of improved access to the Brooklyn Baths and perimeter boardwalk.


Works commenced in July 2022 with the construction of the sealed all weather foreshore walk. Other staged works will be completed by mid 2023, weather permitting.

The majority of the upgrade works are proposed to be carried out during winter months when the park usage is expected to be less. A short-term closure of the amenities building (male / female facilities at different times) will be required as the works progress. Provision of temporary toilets will be made for Lower McKell park users and public toilet facilities on Dangar Road opposite Hawkesbury River Marina can also be accessed during works, in addition to amenities at Upper McKell Park.

The foreshore link to Parsley Bay is now open. A pedestrian management plan will be posted at entries to the construction areas to illustrate access routes during construction.

Community consultation was completed for the proposed works in May 2022.

Completed works – April 2024

reserve area next to water and pier

Update – October 2023

Brooklyn Baths access upgrades are now complete and open to the public. Turf is under establishment for the next 3 weeks following which the remaining bunting will be removed.

path and surrounding pier at waterway

newly turfed area next to waterway

Update – September 2023

Works are progressing on the Brooklyn Baths access upgrades with improvements to the decking well underway.

The construction fencing is programmed to come down in time for the September school holidays.

Brooklyn Baths access upgrades

Brooklyn Baths access upgrades

Update – Late August 2023

Works are progressing on the access upgrades to Brooklyn Baths.

Lower McKell Park, Brooklyn

Lower McKell Park, Brooklyn

Lower McKell Park, Brooklyn

Update – August 2023

Stage 2 access upgrades at Brooklyn Baths are now underway.

Lower McKell Park upgrade stage 2

Lower McKell Park upgrade stage 2

Lower McKell Park upgrade stage 2

Update – July 2023

Council will shortly be undertaking access upgrades at Brooklyn Baths – Lower McKell Park.

Commencing mid July 2023. Please refer to construction notification below:


Update – May 2023

Council will shortly be undertaking plumbing upgrades.

Commencing 22 May 2023. Please refer to construction notification below.


Lower McKell Park upgrade stage 2

Lower McKell Park upgrade stage 2