
Contact Us

Report an issue or lodge a service request online

General Enquiries

Telephone: (02) 9847 6666
Postal address: PO Box 37, Hornsby NSW 1630

Council Enquiries has moved to Hornsby Library

Council’s face-to-face Customer Service Counter has relocated to the Hornsby Library. Known as “Council Enquiries”.

Face-to-face Customer Service Hours: 10am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Find out more

Customer Service Hours via telephone: 8.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday. Please telephone 9847 6666.

Duty Planner: General town planning advice is available by making an online booking via our webpage

Customers are encouraged to conduct business and to make payments online by visiting our website. Please note payment by cash is not accepted.

Planning related application lodgements can be made via

Privacy Notification
Information provided to Council in any form (verbal, electronic or written), may be made available to third parties in accordance with relevant legislation. Council reserves the right to reproduce in whole or in part any correspondence or submission.

Contact Form

You can also use the feedback form below. Don't forget to include your contact details so we can reply.
