
Tenders, Quotes & EOIs

Current Tenders

Current tenders, RFQs and EOIs are listed on Council’s e-tendering website.

View Current Tenders

Advertised Tenders

RFT05/2024 - Public Domain Upgrade - Asquith to Mt Colah Stage 1 and Associated Roadworks
Closing:  10:30am, Thursday 25 July 2024

Tender Openings

Tender/RFQ/EQI: RFT05/2024 - Public Domain Upgrade - Asquith to Mt Colah Stage 1 and Associated Roadworks
10.30am, Thursday 25 July 2024

Submissions Received From:

  • APAMEA Construction Pty Ltd
  • Civilscape Pty Ltd
  • Convil Group Pty Ltd
  • Kilmac Civil Pty Ltd
  • Kingsline Pty Ltd
  • Planet Civil Pty Ltd
  • Quality Management & Constructions Pty Ltd t/a QMC Group

Tender/RFQ/EQI: RFT15/2024 - Mark Taylor Oval, Stage 3, Pavilion
10:30 am, Friday 5 July 2024

Submissions Received From:

  • 2020 Projects Pty Ltd
  • HPAC Pty Ltd
  • Rogers Construction Group Pty Ltd
  • Tallai Project Group Pty Ltd
  • Taylor Construction Group Pty Ltd
  • Vernon Constructions Pty Ltd
  • Westbury Constructions Pty Ltd

Tender/RFQ/EQI: RFT09/2024 - Natural Areas Vegetation Management
10:30 am, Thursday 2 May 2024

Submissions Received from:

  • Australian Bushland Restoration P/L
  • Bush Habitat Restoration Co-Op
  • Plus Love Group Pty Ltd t/a Bushy Landscapes
  • Dragonfly Environmental Pty Ltd
  • Earthbuilt Environmental P/L
  • Gecko Environment Management
  • Bushland Management Solutions Pty Ltd
  • The National Trust of Australia (NSW)
  • Habitat Solutions Co
  • Symbiota Ecology Pty Ltd - Apunga Ecological Management
  • Toolijooa Pty Ltd
  • Total Earth Care Pty Ltd

Tender/RFQ/EQI: RFT11/2024 - Supply, Installation and Maintenance of RFID Sorter
06.45am, Wednesday 1 May 2024

Submissions Received from:

  • Adilam Technologies
  • Bibliotheca Australia Pty Ltd
  • FE Technologies Pty Ltd

Tenders Accepted

RFT14/2024 - Foxglove Oval Gas and Water Monitoring Program 2024-2025
Tender Accepted From:

  • GHD Pty Ltd

Accepted Under Delegation by General Manager, 15 July 2024

Tender/RFQ/EQI: RFT12/2024 - Panel for Cleaning and Repair of SQID's
Tender Accepted From:

  • Optimal Stormwater
  • Total Drain Cleaning Services Pty Ltd (branded as TDG Environmental)
  • Urban Asset Solutions Pty Ltd

Accepted Under Delegation by General Manager, 15 July 2024

RFT10/2024 - Brickpit Park Playspace
Tender Accepted From:

  • Civilscape Pty Ltd

Accepted Under Delegation by General Manager, 5 June 2024

RFT06/2024 - Hornsby Shire Council Built Assets - Inspection for the Presence and Condition of Asbestos Containing Materials

Tender Accepted from:

  • SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd

Accepted Under Delegation by General Manager, 29 May 2024

RFT22/2023 - Plumbing Services

Tenders Accepted From:

  • Spray Alive Irrigation Consultancy Pty Ltd
  • Dolphin Plumbing Pty Ltd
  • Everflow Plumbing Services Pty Ltd
  • Jaddfe Pty Ltd Trading as Watermatic Irrigation
  • T.J. Matthews Plumbing Services

Accepted Under Delegation by General Manager, 1 February 2024

Further information

Council calls for tenders when the anticipated cost exceeds $250,000 (excluding GST). RFQs and EOIs are called as required.

Hornsby Shire Council invites any interested business to bid for the supply of goods, materials and/or services contained in the advertised tenders, RFQ or EOI.

The e-tendering website provides Council suppliers, contractors and other interested businesses easy access to a range of tendering, RFQ and EOI opportunities.

This website allows businesses to:

  • Register their details and establish profiles to automatically receive relevant tenders, RFQs and EOIs as they become available;
  • View tenders online and/or receive them via email notification;
  • Download documentation directly from the website;
  • Seek further information or clarification on aspects of a tender and receive replies via the website;
  • Receive addendums and other information issued on current tenders;
  • Respond to tenders via the Electronic Tender Box, rather than having to post or deliver responses to Council’s Office. Responses can still be posted or delivered if preferred.

Where a tender deposit is required as part of the tender submission, the amount will be specified in the Conditions of Tendering section of the tender. This payment can be made through Council's Online Payments.

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52 (GIPA) Council must provide a Government Contracts Register (PDF 206kb).

Council is continuously working to reduce its carbon emissions through investment in renewable energy initiatives. Council is now looking for further opportunities to reduce its carbon footprint through the investigation of next-generation technologies that will increase Council’s long-term financial sustainability and deliver on its inter-generational social responsibilities.

Council recognises that the renewable energy landscape and technology more broadly is evolving at an increasingly rapid rate, as are the commercial arrangements for their creation and application. Consequently, Council is proposing to undertake an expression of interest process for the provision of next generation renewable energy applications that can be delivered through leveraging existing Council-owned land and or facilities.

However, before embarking on any formal procurement process Council is undertaking a ‘Market Sounding’ process. It is anticipated that this process will:

  • improve Council’s knowledge of the renewable energy infrastructure market and assist Council in understanding the industry’s value drivers and financial constraints in the provision of renewable energy infrastructure for local government
  • enable industry to advise Council of information that it may wish to consider including within the expression of interest documentation and how this information may assist potential proponents in the expression of interest process, and
  • allow Council to engage in open and transparent dialogue with organisations within the renewable energy industry to assure the quality of the subsequent expression of interest process and the information provided to proponents as part of this process.

Using the following criteria Council has identified several companies that it believes are well-placed to provide this initial advice. However, Council is willing to consider discussions with other organisations that meet this criterion:

  • Experience in a variety of renewal energy technologies
  • Experience delivering commercial renewal energy projects
  • Previous engagement by government organisations for the delivery of renewable energy technologies
  • Experience and capacity in the development of designs for renewable energy infrastructure
  • Experience in Public Private Partnerships or arrangements where public infrastructure is provided through private sector financing
  • Membership of recognised professional body within the renewable energy industry.

It is important to note that this process is not a procurement process. Council is not seeking information on particular types of technologies or their application, nor the merits of individual organisations or their capabilities. Any supply of future goods and services in relation to this initiative will be open to all organisations as part of the following Expression of Interest process.

If you believe your organisation meets the before-mentioned criteria and would like further information in relation to this process, please contact Gary Parsons at, who is coordinating this process on behalf of Council.

Participation in the ‘Market Sounding’ process does not imply any registration, pre-qualification or any other preferred status in respect of involvement in any future procurement.

Organisations will not be recompensed for their participation in this process.

Organisations which do not participate in this market sounding process will not be prejudiced in any way in respect of any subsequent procurement process in relation to this, or any other Council project.