Beattie Lane and Coronation Street

In November and December 2022, Fintan completed two murals celebrating locally native, bushland trees of the Hornsby Shire - flowers, leaves and woody capsules (gumnuts). Trees represented include Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney blue gum), Angophora costata (Sydney red gum) and Sydney Turpentine-Ironbark Forest.

native bushland mural

As a source of inspiration, the Artist visited Council’s Warada Ngurang Community Nursery as part of this project where over 175 different species are propagated. The colour palette of the artwork reflects the diverse colours and textures found within the surrounding bushland and is of a sympathetic and compatible nature to the adjacent Browsery Cottage and Hornsby Westside Heritage Conservation Area.

native mural over car park

gumnutsThe mural facing the carpark on Coronation Street features the distinctive shape of the ribbed, woody capsules (gumnuts) of the Angophora costata (Sydney Red Gum) which is the same type of tree growing within the adjacent Judge’s Bakery ghost building.