
What can I put in my bins?

The following items CAN go in the red lid garbage bin:

  • Plastic bags and soft plastic packaging
  • Disposable coffee cups and lids
  • Non-recyclable packaging, eg polystyrene
  • Food scraps, bones and meats
  • Nappies
  • Shredded paper
  • Small household items
  • Old clothes
  • Old toys and teddies
  • Small electrical appliances

The following items MUST NOT be put in the red lid garbage bin:

The following items CAN go in the yellow lid recycling bin:

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Newspapers, books, magazines, junk mail and cardboard
  • Milk and juice cartons including tetra packs
  • Aluminium cans and clean foil
  • Steel cans, aerosol cans
  • All disposable plastic containers and bottles used in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry including food, beverage, shampoo and detergent containers, household cleaners
  • Used pizza boxes that don’t have any food in them
  • Rinsed takeaway containers

The following items MUST NOT be put in the yellow lid recycling bin:

The following items CAN go in the green lid green waste bin:

  • Grass clippings
  • Flowers and weeds
  • Prunings
  • Leaf litter
  • Twigs and small branches (up to 75mm in diameter)

The following items MUST NOT be put in the green lid green waste bin:

Toxic Materials

Items such as batteries, light globes, mobile phones and ink cartridges contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment and should not be placed in any of your bins. These items can be dropped off to our Community Recycling Centre.

Household batteries can be taken to one of the numerous local B-cycle Battery Recycling drop off points.

Drop off points include the Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre, major supermarkets and retailers.

Find your nearest B-cycle drop off point at the online map.

For more information on battery safety, visit the never bin a battery page.

These can be flammable and should not be placed in any of your garbage bins. Instead they should be taken to the EPA Chemical CleanOut Day

Your nearest Waste Management Centre may accept chemicals for a fee. For more information visit the SUEZ or phone 1300 651 116

Find Out More

Thornleigh Community Recycling Centre

29 Sefton Rd, Thornleigh
Tuesday to Fridays, 8.30am-4pm
Saturdays, 8.30am-12pm

Waste Management Centres

Hornsby Shire Council does not own or operate any waste management centres, transfer stations, tips or landfills. However, there are a number of nearby facilities that can help you dispose of your waste. We recommend direct contact be made with the centre to check opening times, costs and accepted materials.

Further information