
Road Reconstruction - Wall Avenue, Asquith

This project involves pavement reconstruction, kerb and gutter construction, drainage improvements, new footpath construction and tree planting along Wall Avenue between Mills Avenue and Rupert Street.

Works are proposed to commence in November 2021 and anticipated to take approximately 16 weeks to complete, weather permitting. The aim of these works is to improve traffic safety and reduce ongoing maintenance costs.

It is expected that the proposed works will cause some temporary inconvenience and disruption to directly affected and nearby residents. The main disruptions are expected to be construction noise; temporary loss of vehicular access to properties; and storage of construction materials and sheds in road reserve. However, appropriate traffic control measures will be implemented, and Councils construction crew will endeavour to keep these temporary inconveniences to a minimum and accommodate specific resident needs and/or requests where possible.


Project contacts

Dinesh Tamang. Ph: 9847 6878 (Project designer)
Simon Comish. Ph: 9847 6877 (Senior designer)
Kristy Hayden. Ph: 9847 6032 (Construction Team Leader)