
What do the different parking signs mean?

No Stopping signRed ‘No Stopping’ signs with white text mean vehicles cannot stop, even momentarily, for any purpose.
Bus Zone signTaxi Zone signWhite signs with red panels mean certain categories of vehicles may stop subject to certain conditions to perform specific tasks. For example, only registered buses may stop in a ‘Bus Zone’ and only registered taxis may stop in a ‘Taxi Zone’. If time restrictions apply, these will be shown on the sign.
No Parking signWhite ‘No Parking’ signs with red and black text allow a vehicle to stop to set down or pick up passengers or goods. The driver must remain within 3 metres of the vehicle and cannot stop longer than 2 minutes. Times when this restriction applies may be shown on the sign.
2P parking sign White signs with green text means parking is permitted subject to certain conditions. For example a ‘2P’ sign allows up to two hours parking during the times shown.

Please note, the size and layout of parking signs is fixed by a national standard and cannot be varied by Council.