
Remagine 2021

Remagine 2020 DeviceArt Prize and Exhibition

Theme: ‘Fast fashion, fast food, fast running out of natural resources’

Remagine Art Prize has a focus on sustainability and the environment. Each year it has a timely and thought-provoking theme, this year’s theme was ‘Fast fashion, fast food, fast running out of natural resources’. Artists were asked to submit artworks that related to an element of this theme.


Digital Art – Stills Mixed Media 3D and Mixed Media 2D Painting, Drawing and Printmaking

Winner – Nadine Schmoll – Interconnected (Self Portrait as Coral)
Nadine Schmoll, Interconnected
(Self Portrait as Coral)

Artist Statement

Winner – Chrystal Rimmer – Infinity, Infinity, Infinity
Chrystal Rimmer, Infinity, Infinity, Infinity

Artist Statement

Winner – Melissa Harvey – Unravelled, Untold
Melissa Harvey, Unravelled, Untold

Artist Statement

There were three categories with $11,000 in total prize money. Categories included: Digital Art – Stills, Mixed Media 3D/Mixed Media 2D and Painting/Drawing/ Printmaking. There was also a new Youth Award (16-18 years) and the People’s Choice Award which was voted by the public.

Held in partnership with the Hornsby Art Society, the innovative art prize began in 2009 (under a different name) to showcase artworks made from reused materials. Over the past decade it has evolved to become an art prize where artists can respond to the challenges we are facing with waste, consumption and the environment.

This year’s judges were Laura Jones, Zora Regulic and Tony McDonald.

Remagine Art Prize 2021 was held at Wallarobba Arts and Cultural Centre, Hornsby, from 4 June to 20 June 2021, Tuesday – Sunday,10am-4pm.

2021 Winners and Runners Up
2021 Finalists

See the 2021 Terms and Conditions

Thank you to our partner Hornsby Art Society.

Hornsby Art Prize