Indigenous trees

Indigenous trees

Full list of trees indigenous to Hornsby Shire

Would you like to know more about the native trees in your local area? For a complete list of all native species, download Trees indigenous to Hornsby Shire (PDF 19kb)

Common indigenous trees in Hornsby Shire

These fact sheets have been developed to help residents identify common native plant species within Hornsby Shire. Please note, this list does not include all native plant species in the area. Please refer to Native Vegetation Communities of Hornsby Shire for information on the native vegetation codes used in the following fact sheets on individual trees.

Botanical name Common nameCharacteristics Fact Sheet
Acacia floribunda White Sally Wattle Small tree occasionally to around the 6-8m height, often grows as a bushy shrub. White Sally Wattle fact sheet - 2MB
Acacia implexa Hickory Wattle Tree to 10m high or more with a bushy crown has very dark coloured and rough bark. Hickory Wattle fact sheet - 1.8MB
Acacia longifolia Sydney Golden Wattle Large shrub to small tree up to 6-8m in height, more often grows as a large wide bushy shrub. Sydney Golden Wattle fact sheet - 864kb
Acacia parramattensis Parramatta Green Wattle Tree to 12m high, rarely taller, occasionally only grows as a shrub. Parramatta Green Wattle fact sheet - 2.6MB
Acmena smithii Lillypilly A small to tall tree up to 15m, often multi trunked. Lillypilly fact sheet - 1.1MB
Allocasuarina littoralis Black Oak Small narrow tree between 6m and 15m high; bark persistent, rough, hard, dark grey/dark brown. Black Oak fact sheet - 1.3MB
Allocasuarina torulosa Forest Oak Tree to 15m+ high; bark persistent, rough, corky, grey/dark brown. Forest Oak fact sheet - 2.2MB
Angophora bakeri Narrow leaved Apple Generally a short tree to 10m high; bark rough, loosely fissured in short strips, spongy, grey- brown in colour. Narrow leaved Apple fact sheet - 1.5MB
Angophora costata Sydney Red Gum Tree to 25m high; bark smooth, pale pink/orange or grey, shed heavily in late spring leaving bright orange new bark exposed. Sydney Red Gum fact sheet - 177kb
Angophora floribunda Rough barked Apple Tree to 15m high in HSC; bark rough/fibrous and often spongy in texture, grey to brown in colour, extending to smaller branches. Rough barked Apple fact sheet - 2.5MB
Angophora hispida Dwarf Apple Tree to 7m high in HSC, generally a multi trunked large shrub in HSC; bark rough/fibrous and often spongy in texture at the base, grey to brown in colour. Dwarf Apple fact sheet - 3.3MB
Avicennia marina Grey Mangrove Small tree to 6m+ high; bark is smooth and grey in colour. Grey Mangrove fact sheet - 1.6MB
Banksia integrifolia Coast Banksia Tree to 10m high in HSC; bark rough – coarsely tessellated and grey to brown in colour. Coast Banksia fact sheet - 1.2MB
Banksia serrata Old Man Banksia Tree to 12m high in HSC; bark rough, very thick, warty and grey to brown in colour. Old Man Banksia fact sheet - 1.6MB
Callicoma serratifolia Black Wattle Tree to 15m high in HSC; bark generally smooth, dark grey/ brown in colour often supporting pale coloured lichens. Black Wattle fact sheet - 790kb
Casuarina glauca Swamp Oak Tree to 15 m+ high; bark is grey to light brown in colour frequently colonised by patches of lichen. Swamp Oak fact sheet - 1.8MB
Ceratopetalum apetalum Coachwood Tree to 15 m+ high; bark is grey to light grey in colour frequently with fine longitudinal coloured ridges of bark aroundthe stem/trunk. Coachwood fact sheet - 1.8MB
Ceratopetalum gummiferum NSW Christmas Bush Small tree 5-10m high in HSC, usually a multi trunked plant; bark is light grey in colour and rough in appearance. NSW Christmas Bush fact sheet - 960kb
Corymbia eximia Yellow Bloodwood A small to medium sized tree often with a gnarled appearance, bark flaky and yellow in colour. Yellow Bloodwood fact sheet - 1.3MB
Corymbia gummifera Red Bloodwood Medium to tall tree to 25m in HSC; bark is heavy and tessellated/scaly in appearance, dark in colour if subjected to bush fires. Red Bloodwood fact sheet - 2.7MB
Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry Ash A small slender tree generally, to around 6m in HSC; trunk is pale in colour and generally smooth. Blueberry Ash fact sheet - 950kb
Eucalyptus acmenoides White Mahogany A tall broad tree with a dense crown of dark green foliage, to around 25m in HSC; trunk has rough and persistent bark to the smaller branches. White Mahogany fact sheet - 1.4MB
Eucalyptus eugenioides Thin-leaved Stringybark A small to medium sized tree with a relatively light open crown of grey/silver coloured foliage, grows to around 20m in HSC; trunk has finely fissured stringy bark grey to light brown in colour. Thin-leaved Stringybark fact sheet - 911kb
Eucalyptus globoidea White Stringybark A medium sized tree reaching around 20m in height in HSC, trunk has a fibrous stringy bark appearance, persistent to the outer limbs, red-brown to light grey-brown. White Stringybark fact sheet - 2MB
Eucalyptus haemastoma Broad-leaved Scribbly Gum A small to medium sized tree with a relatively open crown of grey/silver coloured foliage, often grows with multiple trunks, grows toaround 15m in HSC, trunk is smooth barked and white in colour. Broad-leaved Scribbly Gum fact sheet - 1.8MB
Eucalyptus paniculata Grey Ironbark A medium sized to tall tree with an open crown of grey/green like foliage, grows to around 25m in HSC, trunk has heavy rough persistent furrowed bark to the smooth smaller branches. Grey Ironbark fact sheet - 2.3MB
Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt A tall tree with an open wide crown of green foliage, grows to around 30m in HSC, trunk has a thick stocking of permanent bark often spreading to the first lower limbs, upper branches smooth and pale in colour. Blackbutt fact sheet - 511kb
Eucalyptus piperita Sydney Peppermint A variable tree, can be a very tall single trunked tree or a multi trunked shorter tree, grows around 20m in HSC, trunk has a thick stocking of permanent grey coloured fibrous bark often spreading well onto the lower limbs while upper branches are smooth and pale in colour. Sydney Peppermint fact sheet - 1.8MB
Eucalyptus punctata Grey Gum A medium sized to tall tree with an open crown of grey/green like foliage, grows to around 10-25m in HSC, trunk has smooth bark which is shed in irregular patches leaving a multi coloured appearance of grey, orange and light brown patches. Grey Gum fact sheet - 1.5MB
Eucalyptus racemosa Narrow-leaved Scribbly Gum A small to medium sized tree with a relatively bushy crown of grey/silver coloured foliage, may often grow with multiple trunks, grows to around 15m in HSC, trunk is smooth barked and white in colour often with distinctive scribble marks. Narrow-leaved Scribbly Gum fact sheet - 1.2MB
Eucalyptus resinifera Red Mahogany A medium sized to tall tree with an open crown of dark green foliage, grows to around 25m in HSC, trunk has thick rough persistent bark to the smaller branches. Red Mahogany fact sheet - 1.4MB
Eucalyptus saligna Sydney Blue Gum A tall straight tree to over 35m in HSC, trunk is smooth pale blue-grey to white with a short stocking of persistent bark at the very base. Sydney Blue Gum fact sheet - 2MB
Eucalyptus sieberi Silver Top Ash A small to medium sized tree with a bushy crown of grey/silver coloured foliage and strongly noticeable red stems, grows to around 20m in HSC, trunk has a persistent dark black stocking of rough bark extending onto the largest limbs, and smooth pale cream bark shedding in long ribbons. Silver Top Ash fact sheet - 1.6MB
Eucalyptus sparsifolia Narrow-leaved Stringybark A small to medium sized tree with a generally slender appearance, usually grows around 10-12m in HSC, trunk has a persistent tight stringybark, grey, light brown to reddish in colour extending well onto the outer limbs. Narrow-leaved Stringybark fact sheet - 1.8MB
Ficus rubiginosa Port Jackson Fig A wide spreading tree often wider than it is tall, often found growing out of large sandstone boulders or encasing boulders with its massive root system. Port Jackson Fig fact sheet - 1.6MB
Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese Tree Grows as a bushy shrub or up to a medium sized broad tree to 10m in height with a dark green canopy, bark is light coloured and slightly flaky in appearance. Cheese Tree fact sheet - 1.9MB
Homalanthus populifolius Bleeding Heart Tree A small bushy shrub or occasionally a tree to 6m, trunk is pale grey to brown in colour and smooth, foliage is soft and dark green in colour, leaves are heart shaped and very large on young plants. Bleeding Heart Tree fact sheet - 755kb
Melaleuca quinquenervia Broad-leaved Paperbark A medium sized tree to 15m or 20m in height with distinctive papery pale coloured bark. Broad-leaved Paperbark fact sheet - 1.2MB
Pittosporum undulatum Sweet Pittosporum A shrub to small bushy tree to a height of 12m and spread of 7m, trunk is slightly rough and coarse grey to light brown coloured and often sticky. Sweet Pittosporum fact sheet - 1.5MB
Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine A variable tree, can be a multi trunked or single trunked tree to over 25m, trunk is covered in thick spongy bark in long fissured or stringy flaky strips extending to smaller branches. Turpentine fact sheet - 1.9MB
Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum Generally a flood battered, bent, multi trunked tree to around 12m in HSC, trunk is smooth with patches of scaly bark often shaded different colours in brown and grey hues. Water Gum fact sheet - 242kb