
Proposed Tree Removal – Malton Road, Beecroft

In December 2015, a cable bracing system was installed in a large Blackbutt tree located on the naturestrip adjacent to 32 Malton Road. This was done to assist in reducing the possible risk of damage to property. The implementation of these bracing works, rather than immediate tree removal, acknowledged this tree and those which immediately adjoin, were visually significant and listed as items in Hornsby’s Heritage Register.

In 2019 five large Blackbutt naturestrip trees in Malton Road were subject to an external assessment using a device (Sonic Tomograph) that calculates the area of sound wood within a tree. This investigation was commissioned by Council arborists to help understand potential risks not externally evident.

The consultant providing these test results recommended actions to address safety concerns. This included a range of actions, including initial retention of the trees and ongoing monitoring, pruning and the consideration to staged removal and replacement of trees (see report 1).

Council officers initiated canopy monitoring and actioned pruning works to these trees consistent with the previous recommendations.

An aerial assessment of the trees was completed in 2020 part of the recommended monitoring process. The recommendation was to monitor and reassess (see report 2).

A further aerial assessment was conducted in 2022 looking at the cable and bracing in the tree adjacent to 32 Malton Road to ensure that it was in good order.

In February 2023, a new Sonic Tomograph test was undertaken of the trees. This test was initiated in recognition of the 2019 adverse test findings and to determine whether the results have changed.

The Sonic Tomograph assessment concluded that four trees are recommended to be removed between 12 months and 15 years. The results also identified that in many cases the area of unsound wood had increased in the five years since the first results were produced (see report 4) and examples of results are illustrated in the images below.

Initially Council officers considered if there was a need to remove all five trees noting that recently exposed trees are prone to higher wind loading and could elevate their likelihood of failure. However, it was subsequently determined to retain tree 4 due to the protection provided by the canopy of a large tree on private property (#30).

Based on the best possible information and diagnostic testing and the obvious deteriorating structural timber, Council’s Tree Management Team have agreed with the most recent external arborist report that trees 1, 2, 3 and 5 should be removed in the interest of public safety.

Retention of these four trees for potential habitat (creation of hollows for native fauna) was considered and dismissed on the basis that:

  • more successful and timely canopy replacement can be achieved with complete tree removal; and
  • these trees contain basal cavities which means they are structurally unsuitable for retention adjacent to residential properties.

Proposed removal of these trees is scheduled for week commencing 11 December 2023.

street tree location

Location of trees

In order to offset the loss of canopy it is proposed that Council replant 26 trees in various locations along Malton Road. Replacement species to include Eucalyptus pilularis (Blackbutt) adjacent to the proposed tree removals, Syncarpia glomulifera (Turpentine) and Tristaniopsis laurina (Water Gum) under powerlines.

Replacement Planting will be undertaken in the Autumn planting season.