
Bio-filtration & Creek line Works, Nirimba Avenue Reserve, North Epping

This project involves improvements to the existing drainage channel and construction of a bio-filtration basin. The bio-filtration basin will enhance the ecological health of the watercourse by improving water quality and habitat and minimising sediment and nutrients from entering the receiving waterway.

The project is being funded by the Catchments Remediation Rate (CRR).

The works are anticipated to start in mid May 2021 and take approximately 8 weeks to complete dependent on the weather. Please note the proposed works are expected to cause some temporary disruption and inconvenience, mainly with regards to construction noise, storage of construction materials and sheds in the road reserve/ Nirimba Avenue Reserve, as well as the possibility of limited on-street parking outside your property during the works.


Dinesh Tamang. Ph: 9847 6878 (Project designer)
Neil Keraunos. Ph: 9847 6752 (Environmental Scientist – Project Manager)
Kristy Hayden. Ph: 9847 6032 (Construction Team Leader)
Clint Jones. Ph: 9847 4819 (Construction Technical Officer)