Latest News
All latest news items are listed below.
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Announcements; Council News; Media Releases
Hornsby Park and Westleigh Park draft master plans revealed
The highly anticipated moment has arrived for Hornsby Shire Council to unveil the draft master plans for Hornsby Park and Westleigh Park. -
Council News; Media Releases
New Gateway and Suburb Signs for the Bushland Shire
Hornsby Shire is one of Australia’s greenest places, and this is now also reflected in Council’s new gateway and suburb signage. -
Announcements; Media Releases
Announcement of grant funding to combat illegal dumping
Hornsby Shire Council will receive a $71,000 grant to assist in its fight to stop illegal dumping across its Shire. -
Council News; Media Releases
Work will soon begin to reclaim Hunter Lane
Hornsby Shire Council will soon begin a trial to reclaim Hunter Lane, turning it into a shared space where pedestrians clearly have right of way. -
Events; Council News; Media Releases
Entries open for 2021 Remagine Art Prize
It’s that special time of year once again when environmentally friendly artists compete for Hornsby Shire Council’s Remagine Art Prize. -
Council News; Media Releases
Work begins on Wisemans Ferry boat ramp
Hornsby Shire Council, The Hills Shire Council and the NSW Government are joining forces to build a new boat ramp at Wisemans Ferry. -
Events; Council News; Media Releases
Retain your title as champion phone recyclers
The MobileMuster is back again and Hornsby Shire Council is calling on all residents to help defend our title as Australia's mobile phone recycling champions. -
Events; Council News; Media Releases
Help clean up our corner of Australia
It is soon time again for our national spring cleaning with the annual Clean Up Australia Day and Hornsby Shire Council is urging all residents to get involved. -
Council News; Media Releases
Council adopts new acknowledgement of country
Hornsby Shire Council has adopted a new acknowledgement of country, which will be used in corporate documents and at public events. -
Community News; Media Releases
Australia Day honours for Graham Ross
Hornsby Shire Council congratulates local resident Graham Ross on his award in the Australia Day honours that were presented today.