
More chances for community input on future plans

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At this week’s meeting Hornsby Shire Council placed another series of draft strategies and studies on public exhibition for feedback from the community.

These include the draft Economic Development and Tourism Strategy, the draft Play Plan, the Hornsby Employment Land Study, and the draft Walking and Cycling Strategy.

“This is part of Council’s ongoing efforts to develop firm plans for our future that address a wide range of issues,” Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock said.

“More importantly, we are going out of our way to make sure that members of the community have a strong say in those plans.

“These are matters that affect absolutely everybody in the Shire, both now and into the future, and we wanted as many voices as possible at the decision making table.

“It’s much harder to change these strategies once they have been adopted, so this is the time to come forward with suggestions and corrections.”

The draft Economic Development and Tourism Strategy is designed to help Council support, facilitate and promote economic development in the Shire.

It identifies areas that need investigation or work, as well as outlining specific actions, and has been updated to take account of the additional challenges presented by COVID-19.

The draft Play Plan provides a vision for the future of Council’s playgrounds and play spaces, setting out recommendations for their management.

It proposes a net increase of 17 play spaces across the Shire, with a focus on high-growth areas.

The draft Employment Land Study identifies key economic and employment issues affecting Hornsby Shire in the context of the North District Plan, reviewing the quantum of business and industrial zoned land.

The draft Walking and Cycling Strategy provides a framework to increase participation in walking and cycling, particularly through infrastructure and resourcing for these activities.

“There is literally nobody in Hornsby Shire who is not affected by some aspect of these plans and we want to hear from as many people as possible,” Mayor Ruddock said.

“This is your chance to get in on the ground floor and have a say in the future direction of our community.

“There are also a number of other strategies and plans that are currently on exhibition.”

Visit to see the documents on exhibition and have your say.

Other items at the meeting included:

  • General manager Steven Head’s contract was extended
  • An update on the COVID-19 situation in the Shire
  • A submission to the IPART domestic waste management charge review
  • Recruitment of new members to the catchment remediation rate expenditure review panel
  • An update on vegetation mapping

The full agenda of the meeting can be seen at The minutes will be available from this afternoon.