
Shared Bins

sharing bins

Sharing your bins

Residents in apartment buildings place their waste and recycling in shared bins which are emptied by Council’s contractors. In most cases, you will not need to place your bins on the kerb for collection as this is done by your Strata or by Council’s contractors.

Depending on your building, you may be required to place your waste and recycling in the bins or in a dedicated waste room/area. Alternatively, some buildings have chute systems in place for you to use. If you are unsure where to place your waste and recycling, please check with your building manager.

It is important to consider your neighbours when using shared bins:

  • Place household waste in the red lid garbage bins and recycling in the yellow lid recycling bins.
  • Keep plastic bags out of your yellow lid recycling bins.
  • Large cardboard boxes should be flattened prior to placing them in your recycling bins.
  • Keep your waste room clean and tidy to reduce odours and to maintain a clean environment.
  • Discourage and reduce illegal dumping.
  • To replace broken bins or check whether you have enough bins for your apartment building please contact your Building / Strata Manager.

Report any concerns to your Building / Strata Manager in the first instance.

What Waste and Recycling Services do I receive?

Hornsby Shire Council’s standard level of waste and recycling service is based on dwelling type.

Please see What Waste and Recycling Services do I receive? to find out what services are in place for your apartment building.

This project is a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

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