
Hornsby Shire Council Bushcode Workshop

2024-11-02 9:00:00 2024-11-02 13:00:00 Australia/Sydney Hornsby Shire Council Bushcode Workshop All Bushcare volunteers must complete this workshop within six months of joining the program. This is your opportunity to learn... Australia Lauren Page
Location: Warada Ngurang Community Nursery, 28 Britannia Street, Pennant Hills 2120
Event cost: Free
Contact: Bushland Programs Team

All Bushcare volunteers must complete this workshop within six months of joining the program. This is your opportunity to learn about how Council supports Bushcare group activities within the Shire.

Morning tea is provided.

Topics include:

  • Bush regeneration principles
  • Site management
  • Work health safety
  • Warada Ngurang Community Nursery tour
Binya Close Bushcare in the mist by Petra Holland

Warada Ngurang Community Nursery

28 Britannia Street, Pennant Hills 2120