Do I need to feed my new tree?

Fertiliser is important to promote strong healthy growth of your tree. Fertiliser should be applied at the planting stage initially and then again annually to twice a year in some instances.

Most indigenous trees just require a feed at the start of their life and quickly adapt to local soil conditions for all their growing requirements however some trees will perform better and provide a better flowering display if they are fed fertiliser.

It is best to feed the tree by applying fertiliser around the drip line – this is the edge of the canopy perimeter when projected down to the surface of the ground below the canopy. It is here that you will find the feeder roots of the tree. It is best to keep grass and lawn away from the root zone of a tree if possible to avoid competition for resources between the grass and the tree.

If your tree is in a mulched garden bed you can feed the tree by applying compost or well rotted animal manures. Mulch ultimately breaks down to provide further nourishment for your tree. If you use fresh mulch, the micro organisms in the mulch use all the Nitrogen in the soil to break down the mulch, depriving your tree with the Nitrogen it needs. Apply a bit of nitrogen fertiliser when using fresh mulch to avoid this effect.

With all fertilisers choose one that is suitable for natives which are generally lower in phosphorus.