Latest News
All latest news items are listed below.
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Media Releases
Help make our waterways plastic free
Bag Free Pennant Hills, Sydney Water, Hornsby Shire Council and the Pennant Hills District Civic Trust have all joined forces to combat the impact of plastic on our local environment. -
Media Releases
Final truckload of NorthConnex dirt tipped into Hornsby Quarry
The rehabilitation of Hornsby Quarry passed a major milestone over the weekend, with delivery of the last truckload of spoil from the NorthConnex tunnel project. -
Media Releases
Hornsby Shire pulls together after severe storms
More than 550 residents called upon Hornsby Shire Council for assistance after last Saturday’s major storms damaged homes, left roads blocked by debris and caused multiple power outages. -
Media Releases
Hornsby Shire's Community Recycling Centre celebrates
Hornsby Shire Council’s Community Recycling Centre has more than one reason to celebrate its first birthday this month – the community recycling service has exceeded all expectations. -
Media Releases
Council acts on abandoned shopping trolleys
Hornsby Shire Council has taken decisive action to solve the problem of abandoned shopping trolleys, collecting more than 450 trolleys from the streets of Hornsby last night. -
Media Releases
Heritage Protection
Council at its meeting of 14 November 2018, resolved to place an Interim Heritage Order (Section 25 NSW Heritage Act, 1977), on the property known as No.62 Manor Road, Hornsby (Lot 3, DP524288) to enable a full and proper evaluation of the heritage significance of the trees and gardens within the property and to prevent any harm to the site in the interim. -
Media Releases
Federal praise for Council cat trapping
Federal Minister for the Environment Melissa Price has commended Hornsby Shire Council for its innovative feral cat management program. -
Media Releases
Hornsby Council adopts sportsground strategy
Hornsby Shire Council has adopted a Sportsground Strategy that will ensure there are adequate outdoor sports recreational facilities into the foreseeable future. -
Media Releases
Follow the artists' trail
The artists of Hornsby Shire will throw their doors open once more for the annual Arcadian Artists’ Trail, one of the key highlights of the Festival of the Arts. -
Media Releases
Ten new street libraries for Hornsby Shire
Hornsby Shire Council is welcoming and congratulating 10 new street library hosts, the winners of Council’s street library give-away.