Latest News
All latest news items are listed below.
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Council News; Media Releases
Hornsby Shire Council calls on residents to protect the critically endangered Blue Gum High Forest
One of Hornsby Shire’s natural gems, Blue Gum High Forest, is critically endangered, with less than 5% of the forest remaining. To help protect this vital ecosystem, Hornsby Shire Council has released a compelling #SayHighForest video, encouraging the community to visit, love and protect Blue Gum High Forest before it’s too late. -
Council News; Media Releases
Beecroft Village Green transformed with play, exercise and recreational facilities for all ages
Excitement was in the air at the official unveiling of new upgrades at Beecroft Village Green on Sunday, 4 August when the community came together to celebrate the new facilities. -
Council News; Media Releases
Hornsby Shire Council celebrates 20 years of scientific monitoring of the Hawkesbury River estuary
Hornsby Shire Council is this month celebrating 20 years of scientific monitoring of the Hawkesbury River estuary and the collection of an unprecedented data set for the Australian scientific community that will inform decision making for the public, researchers and all tiers of government. -
Council News; Media Releases
Hornsby Shire crowned state’s top mobile phone recyclers for seventh consecutive year
Hornsby Shire residents have claimed MobileMuster’s Top Collector Award at both the state and national levels for a seventh consecutive year. -
Council News; Media Releases
Brooklyn active transport projects progressing in leaps and bounds with commencement of Kangaroo Point boardwalk construction
Construction has commenced on a public boardwalk and shared pathway at Brooklyn — the second phase of a significant active transport project in the area, funded by the NSW Government’s Get NSW Active and Metropolitan Greenspace programs. -
Council News; Media Releases
Hornsby Shire Council’s Native Plant Giveaways return this winter
Hornsby Shire Council is again welcoming the return of its popular Native Plant Giveaway Program this August, inviting all residents of Hornsby Shire to nurture their local environment by booking an appointment to collect four free native plants. -
Announcements; Council News; Media Releases
Hornsby Shire Council to revitalise Galston Village
Galston Village will undergo significant enhancements to its main street and surrounding areas, transforming it into a vibrant place to relax, dine and play, while preserving its unique character. At its General Meeting last night, Council endorsed the draft Galston Village Public Domain Plan and will now undertake detailed design development, guided by the feedback from the community. -
Announcements; Media Releases
Council seeks commitment to infrastructure to support NSW Government housing targets
While Hornsby Shire Council is pleased that the NSW Government’s Transport Orientation Development (TOD) Program for Hornsby endorses its existing Hornsby Town Centre Masterplan, which identifies opportunities for over 4,900 new dwellings and 5,000 new jobs, supported by open spaces, a new multi-purpose community facility, pedestrian, cycling networks and enhanced public transport and road access, what is not clear is how the government intends to support the delivery of these necessary upgrades. -
Understanding unattended property: How to help keep our streets safe and beautiful
Have you ever come across a caravan parked outside a public place, or a shopping trolley unattended on the footpath, making it difficult to navigate with a pram? Unattended vehicles and trolleys not only mar the beauty of our streets, but also may pose hazards to both pedestrians and drivers. -
Events; Media Releases
Resilience shines as Hornsby Shire rebuilds beloved playground after vandalism
Repairs and upgrades to a much loved playground in Pennant Hills have begun, six months after falling victim to vandalism late last year.