
Council to contribute to drought relief

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drough relief

Hornsby Shire Council will donate up to $10,000 to help communities affected by the current drought and seek other ways it can provide support.

“We have watched with great concern as this natural disaster has unfolded, with the hardship made all the worse for the fact it occurs in slow motion and there is still no end in sight,” Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock said.

“Councillor McIntosh’s motion sought to demonstrate our concern and support for the residents of Leeton and Snowy Valleys councils, with whom Hornsby has partnership agreements. It was very pleasing to see that Council unanimously supported this and an additional contribution to the Country Women’s Association.

Hornsby Council will donate $5,000 to charities nominated by Leeton and Snowy Valleys councils and up to an additional $5,000 to the NSW Country Women’s Association Drought Aid Appeal and the Red Cross Help Aussie Farmers Appeal, utilising parking fees from the Annual Spring Open Day at Fagan Park to be held on Sunday 30 September.

Part of Councillor McIntosh’s motion also ensures Hornsby Council will seek to meet with the mayors and councillors from both councils at the upcoming Local Government Conference, looking at other ways Hornsby Shire Council can provide assistance.

“There are people in desperate need of help throughout most of New South Wales,” Councillor Janelle McIntosh said.

“People from across all of Hornsby Shire are already helping the drought-affected communities and I believe it’s important we contribute to their efforts.”

“We cannot donate to every one of them but every dollar makes a difference and particularly our partner councils in the bush should be able to rely on us,” Councillor McIntosh said.

“A partnership means being there for each other, especially when the times are tough.”

Council was originally going to donate $5,000 to drought relief, but is now able to increase that amount to a total of up to $10,000 using parking fees from the Annual Spring Open Day at Fagan Park held on Sunday 30 September.

Councillor Nathan Tilbury was pleased that a contribution to the good work of the Country Women’s Association was resolved.

“This will see extra dollars get to communities across the state that are also suffering,” Councillor Tilbury said.

“The rural communities are the backbone of our nation and it is painful for all of us when we see them suffer,” Mayor Philip Ruddock said.

“We owe it to them to give what we can.”