
Announcement of grant funding to combat illegal dumping

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Hornsby Shire Council will receive a $71,000 grant to assist in its fight to stop illegal dumping across its Shire.

Working in partnership with the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority, as part of the Combating Illegal Dumping: Clean-Up and Prevention Program, Council will use the funding to undertake targeted enforcement and education activities to tackle illegal dumping within Hornsby Shire.

Hornsby Shire Council Mayor Philip Ruddock has welcomed the grant funding.

“Illegal dumping is a serious issue that impacts on our environment and ruins the beauty of natural areas, parks and neighbourhoods and this grant means that our Council will be better equipped to combat illegal dumping in our community” Mr Ruddock said.

Mr Ruddock encourages residents to contact council if they see someone dumping illegally, noting the date and time, description of the person and vehicle (including registration number if possible), a description of what is being dumped and any other information which could help identify the offender.

“Our residents are the eyes and ears of our Shire and they can help protect it by reporting illegal dumping incidents. Council will follow up reports wherever possible, issue fines and take appropriate action such as ensuring the offender cleans up the site.”

Members of the public can report illegal dumping to Council on 13 70 30 or online at

This project is a NSW Environment Protection Authority, Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.