
Approval to Burn

About an Approval to Burn

Various approvals are required to burn of piles of vegetation in the open within Hornsby Shire, at all times of the year. This approval, issued under requirements of the Protection of Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2010, by Hornsby Council is required at all times of the year.

Burning of piles of dead and drying vegetation in accordance with an issued ‘Approval To Burn’ is permissible within areas with zonings specified in the table to the right.

If you wish to undertake a pile burn an on line application needs to be completed. Online applications are automatically lodged with Hornsby Shire Council for assessment. Should all the relevant requirements be met you will be emailed an Approval to Burn.

Application to undertake a pile burn

For applications to be processed the application must be by the owner of the property where the pile is to be burnt, or the applicant must have the written endorsement of the property owner, or their agent.

Some questions in the application require an answer and the application cannot proceed without them being answered. Some questions require a particular answer. If your answer is not accepted please amend your pile and burn plans so they are able to conform to the requirements and reapply.

A copy of your Approval to Burn will also be sent to the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai District Office of the NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS).

Apply Now

Other agencies also require approvals to burn in the open

  • If you live in NSW RFS district, during fire season (usually 1 October - 31 March) you are also required to obtain a permit from the NSW RFS. Contact the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai District Office on telephone 9883 2000 (during business hours).
  • If you live within Fire and Rescue NSW (F&R NSW) district you are also required to obtain a permit from Fire & Rescue NSW, at all times of the year. Please contact Castle Hill Fire Station on telephone 9680 1282.

Additional Information that may assist you